第10号(2018年3月付) 60頁
木村 周平・辻本 侑生 地域社会の災害復興と「復興儀礼」―津波被災地のある「失敗」事例から―
荒木 真歩 芸態からみる民俗芸能の「真正性」と「正統性」―奈良県の篠原踊を事例に―
山本 志乃 / 松岡 薫
木村周平・辻本侑生 KIMURA Shuhei, Tsujimoto Yuki
pp. 1-16.
Community disaster recovery and “Recovery Ritual”: A case study of a “failed” ritual in a tsunami-affected community
キーワード:災害復興 復興儀礼 五年祭 三陸町綾里
While everyone knows the importance of the efforts for disaster recovery, there is little consensus about when and how it is achieved. After the tsunami of March 11, 2011, we witnessed that, even when their life had never returned to normal, affected people attempted to perform traditional arts as soon as possible, or conduct their traditional rituals as usual. Their struggle urges us to explore the symbolic aspect of disaster recovery. Among others sociologist Yasuyuki Yama maintains that ritual can play a crucial role to help the victims to realize the progress of recovery. Introducing Yama’s seminal concept of “recovery ritual,” this article examines an “inauthentic” quinquennial ritual (gonensai) conducted in 2016 at a tsunami-affected community in Ofunato City, Iwate Prefecture. It was “inauthentic” since it was not carried out as planned, and thus it appeared to fail to foster a sense of recovery among the community members. Tracing the background to the “failure” and its consequences in detail, we read a sign of vitality and creativity of the community in it, which would “recover” the community in a different way from disaster reconstruction (fukko). While the importance to support to stage rituals is never lost, we suggest, ritual can be a window to find a way to support the resilience of the everyday community life of the affected people.
荒木真歩 ARAKI Maho
pp. 17-26.
Authenticity and Legitimacy of Folk Performing Arts: A Case Study of Shinohara-Odori in Nara, Japan
キーワード:民俗芸能 芸態変化 真正性 正統性 文化財行政
The purpose of this paper is to uncover older successors of folk performing arts think as authentic art forms and what other successors chose to pass down as legitimate art form. The propositions of this paper are based on the study of folk performing art known as Shinohara-Odori from the Shinohara Village, in Nara, Japan. In 2015, Shinohara-Odori was reorganized by the administration of cultural properties as a preservation project. The thesis of this analysis is that a strong family line greatly influences which changes are incorporated into traditional art forms in Shinohara-Odori. In conclusion the Shinohara-Odori preservation society abide by the strength of family lines in choosing what to pass down in their art form. In the past, successors thought that an authentic art form was based on the knowledge of performers, but recently new group of successors that try to preserve traditional art form think that orthodoxy is based on the influence of a strong family line in folk performing arts.