第3号(2011年5月付) 110頁
古家 信平 東日本大震災にあたって
ドロシー・ノイズ(小長谷英代・平山美雪 訳) 伝統のプロセスにおける拘束性と自由
施 愛東(彭 偉文 訳) 中国における非物質文化遺産保護運動の民俗学への負の影響
岡田 真帆 同姓集団の墓地再編における序列の葛藤 ―「古さ」を希求する価値観の作用―
大城 博美 介護現場の民俗誌 ―「呼び寄せ型」の人たちを中心に―
桝 厚生 クマ狩猟活動が持つ意義の多様性
ドロシー・ノイズ(及川高 訳) ハンブル・セオリー
古川 彰 / 山下 裕作 / 中野 紀和
岡田 真帆 OKADA Maho
pp. 29-46.
同姓集団の墓地再編における序列の葛藤 ―「古さ」を希求する価値観の作用―
Imbroglios between Same Surname Kinship Groups over High Lineage and Social Position in Graveyards: The Effect of Valuesfor privileged ‘History’
キーワード:累積する感情(感性) 「古さ」への希求 同姓集団 墓地再編 本分家関係
This paper considers the effect of values regarding ‘History’ and aesthetic sensitivity of kinship groups on graveyard landscape patterns by investigating a case of graveyard restructuring by kinship groups bearing the same surname, Tuge-renchu. Three points concerning aesthetic sensitivities are apparent –a rising consciousness regarding family lineage within the kinship, a sense of community for maintaining the legacy of the ryou-bosei graveyards (separated graves: two separate graves for the soul and the body), and the values of a privileged ‘History’ associated with rights and social powers.
The Tuge-renchu began to relocate the graves at the end of the Meiji Era. They reconsidered the positions of the main and sub-branch families in the graveyard by placing the gravestones in an order of preference, called Seki-jun, of the Kami-ranto (holy graves), implying the historical standing of each group and delineating the rights of main and sub-branch families. In the processes, the families experienced a rising consciousness for high lineage, causing social imbroglios over the restructuring. Finally, the gravestone landscapes reflected kinship hierarchy and the effect of values regarding ‘History.’ Recent Japanese folklorists researching graves tend to give special attention to material culture. Here, we focus not only on material aspects, but also the practical mentality generated from daily life sentiment to suggest a new perspective for researching the agency of mentality.
大城 博美 OSHIRO Hiromi
pp. 47-57.
介護現場の民俗誌 ―「呼び寄せ型」の人たちを中心に―
Documenting the Folklore of Nursing Care Sites: Focusing on the People of “Called-for Type”
キーワード:介護 ショートステイ 「呼び寄せ型」 「地域密着型」
In folklore thus far, while elderly informants have been indispensible, elderly persons who require nursing care have been missing due to inability to “narrate” for themselves. The purpose here is to describe the situation of these elderly people as they carry on their daily lives in short-term nursing facilities. I especially wish to focus on people known in this paper as the “called-for type.” These are elderly people who have been asked to move to the residential location of their children who live in cities, and who are living out their old age in places other than where they were born and brought up or in which they are used to living. In contrast, the “community-attached type” refers to elderly people who continue to live out their old age in places where they were born and brought up or in which they are used to living. These two different types of people each have their own characteristic ambience. The “called-for type” elderly pay more attention to the aspect of creating a place in which to feel comfortable than their physical nursing care.
The short-term nursing facilities to which the elderly move their daily lives are indeed “ordinary” in the sense that they support daily life itself, but the temporary locale of such facilities also carries the dual significance of an “non-ordinary space” to which elderly persons move from their home.
桝 厚生 MASU Kousei
pp. 59-69.
Diversity of Meanings Traditional Bear-hunting Has Today
キーワード:山地空間 知識 狩猟集団 クマ肉 贈与
It is thought that traditional bear-hunting in Japan has become a mere hobby whereas it was once a subsistence activity performed by hunting groups consisting of certain members of village communities.
However, a field survey on traditional bear-hunting currently performed in the Kotamagawa district of Oguni Town in Yamagata Prefecture has revealed that it has various meanings to life in mountain villages. The main meanings are that (a) it generates knowledge and skills that identify specific places within large mountainous areas; (b) it gives the opportunity to establish a personal and intergenerational relationship among members of village; and (c) its fruits spread through the giving of bear meat by bear-hunters to relatives who live in the Kotamagawa district.
Based on precisely understanding such diversity of the meanings of traditional bear-hunting, I’d like to discuss the future of the institution of wildlife management with environmental administrators and conservation groups from the perspective of Folklore.