第4号(2012年5月付) 132頁
大門 正克 人に話を聞くということは、どういうことなのだろうか ―歴史学における現場から―
武井 基晃 祭祀を続けるために ―沖縄の祖先祭祀における代行者と禁忌の容認―
佐々木 陽子 「お供え」と「蔭膳」 ―不在者との共食―
胡 艶紅 現代中国における漁民信仰の変容 ―太湖流域の蘇州市光福鎮漁港村の事例から―
加藤 秀雄 伝承概念の脱/再構築のために
山越 英嗣 「縁」をつむぐタトゥー ―日本の若者下位文化における身体加工―
野口 憲一 「当事者」とは誰か ―「当事者」の絶対化と相対化の相克をめぐって―
菊地 淑人 無形文化遺産保護条約とコミュニティの同意 ―記載提案時における同意書の分析―
津城 寛文
武井 基晃 TAKEI Motoaki
pp. 9-24.
祭祀を続けるために ―沖縄の祖先祭祀における代行者と禁忌の受容―
To Continue the Folk Ritual: Entrusting to Sustitute and Acceptance of Taboo in Ancestral Rituls in Okinawa
キーワード:祖先祭祀 代行者 禁忌(の容認) 門中 代替策
This paper considers the example of ancestral rituals in Okinawa about the sustainable alternative to continue the folk ritual. When some folk ritual can’t be continued as norms for several difficulties, people may discuss interruption of this ritual. But people would hesitate to stop hereditary and ancestral rituals. Especially, if the ritual is considered an obligation, many people will demand to continue as customary. In such cases people have to consider how to continue the ritual, for example, endure difficult to perform as normative as possible, or consider alternatives out, or try to simplify. For adoption of alternative or simplification, explanations that can justify the new ways, and that can be satisfied most people are indispensable; besides, in case of ancestral ritual, have to be satisfied ancestors, too.
In Okinawa, when no relative proper for the succession, or when some succession correspond to the taboo, ancestral rituals can’t continue. In such cases, as a last resort, entrusting rituals to substitute or acceptance of taboo can solve improper situation for the present. But people of Okinawa hope normative ancestral ritual, so they are not easily convinced.
佐々木 陽子 SASAKI Yoko
pp. 25-38.
「お供え」と「蔭膳」 ―不在者との共食―
O-sonae and Kagezen: Sharing Food with Absent People
キーワード:お供え 蔭膳 調査 安寧な死者像 共食
The objective of this paper is to explore the meaning contained in the apparently irrational act of preparing food that will never be consumed by the persons for which it is intended, based on a survey of the views of 75 persons with regard to the acts of kagezen (a tray of food for temporarily absent people) and 0-sonae (an offering to the dead-people who will never return). The study revealed that kagezen, which is thought to have been a custom related to war, is still practiced, and that 0-sonae functions as a mechanism for sharing food with closely related deceased and conversing with them. O-sonae appears to be used by the living as a means of expressing the thought that they will not forget closely related deceased. The institutionalization of O-sonae also appears to help the living to avoid nihilistic thoughts by furnishing a peaceful image of the deceased and encouraging them to believe in the happiness of the deceased in the next world.
胡 艶紅 HU Yanhong
pp. 39-54.
現代中国における漁民信仰の変容 ―太湖流域の蘇州市光福鎮漁港村の事例から―
The Transformation of Religion of Fisherman in Modern China : The case of Yugang Village Guangfu Town Suzhou City of the Lake Tai basin
キーワード:大型漁船漁民 香頭 僮子 太保先生 焼香 神歌
In the past a lot of fishermen in the Lake Tai basin in China lived permanently on their boat, and had almost no contact with the peasants on the land. As a result, a unique religion of the fishermen was formed. After the establishment of P.R.China in 1949 however, the government made a series of reformations on them, and their religion were forbidden. Since 1970, as a result of the“Settle down policy,” they started to live on the land, and the relations with the peasants in the vicinity became more intense. Since the reform and opening-up policy in 1979, their religion begun to revive. In this article, through the comparison of the religious activities of the fishermen before the establishment of P.R.China and after the reform and opening-up, the transformation of their religion and the effects of Xiangtou (香頭) who exert the religious function on the transformation will be demonstrated.
加藤 秀雄 KATO Hideo
pp. 55-72.
De/re-construction of the Concept of “Tradition”
キーワード:伝承 文化の同一性/連続性 民族性論 伝承の歴史哲学 史外史
In this thesis, the possibility of the concept of “Tradition” in Japanese folklore studies is discussed. Although the concept of “Tradition” is an important one for folklore studies, it has been misunderstood by many folklorists. The concept of “Tradition” is therefore being criticized by some folklorists in recent years. The purpose of this thesis is to clear up this misunderstanding and to discuss the effectiveness of the concept of “Tradition” in contemporary society. This thesis will refer to the discussion on “Tradition” by Kunio Yanagita and the discussion regarding the recent philosophy of history. These discussions are useful for restructuring the concept of “Tradition.” The problem of the concept of “Tradition” in Japanese folklore studies lies in the idea of identicalness and continuity between the culture of the past and that of the present. This idea is, however, dismissed by the discussions on Yanagita and the philosophy of history.
山越 英嗣 YAMAKOSHI Hidetsugu
pp. 73-82.
「縁」をつむぐタトゥー ―日本の若者下位文化における身体加工―
Tattoo, Linked by Fate: Body Modification in Japanese Youth Subculture
キーワード:タトゥー イレズミ 若者文化 都市
Tattoo as a youth subculture has mainly been discussed by sociologists, but also by the areas of anthropology and folklore. The aim of this article is to make ethnography of young Japanese men who have got tattoos.
In some recent studies, it has been theorized that young tattooed Japanese men is considered as consumption or an expression of self-satisfaction. In addition, to have a tattoo is normally thought of as a negative personal characteristic in the Japanese society.
However, this article shows that the tattoos have various meanings linked to beliefs, memories, stories and affiliations; and they also build strong relationships among their carriers. We can say they are making their own ‘world,’ in which they share experiences and history through their tattoos. This fits into the framework of Anthony Giddens. This article argues that the carriers of tattoos overcome difficulties by using their camraderie.
野口 憲一 NOGUCHI Kenichi
pp. 83-93.
「当事者」とは誰か ―「当事者」の絶対化と相対化の相克をめぐって―
Who are “Concerned Parties”?: The Conflict Between Absolute and Relative Definitions of “Concerned Parties”
Who are “Concerned Parties”?: The Conflict Between Absolute and Relative Definitions of “Concerned Parties”
キーワード:「方法としての『当事者』」 「当事者」の絶対化 「当事者」の相対化 「当事者」論
This paper seeks to clarify who the concerned parties are with regard to research. In an effort to answer that question, this paper examines the concept of “concerned parties,” a topic of debate in various disciplines. The concept of “concerned parties” is, in certain instances, the same for multiple disciplines. These instances involve simultaneously and equally competing desires to define “concerned parties” in absolute and relative terms. This conflict can be presented logically by analyzing previous research in a cross-disciplinary manner. The first step is to determine the issues arising from absolute and relative definitions of “concerned parties.” The next step is to then discuss who “concerned parties” are in light of the points raised in the preceding step.
This paper reached several conclusions. The first is that “concerned parties” do not exist as actual entities. “Concerned parties” is a strategic concept defined for research purposes. The concept falls under the category of what could be considered methodology. This paper defines the concept of “concerned parties” as “a means in the form of ‘concerned parties’.”
菊地 淑人 KIKUCHI Yoshito
pp. 95-105.
無形文化遺産保護条約とコミュニティの同意 ―記載提案時における同意書の分析―
Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Consent of Communities: Analysis for Letters of Consent in Nomination Process
キーワード:無形文化遺産保護条約 コミュニティ UNESCO 地域社会 FPIC
“Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage” (CICH) was adopted in the 32nd Session of the UNESCO General Conference in 2003.
This convention makes it possible to list the ICH for safeguarding. Satisfying some procedural criteria is required in order to inscribe on the list. In other words, the outstanding value of heritage isn’t evaluated unlike the World Heritage Convention. We, therefore, should think how to make the effective list without evaluating the heritage value. In this point, this is one of valuable researches for the future of this convention.
This paper discusses on the consent of communities, which is one of the required processes to inscribe on the several lists of CICH. A few issues are led through the analysis of existing state of the consent of communities.
In conclusion, I suggest that each state parties should be required more awareness about the consent of communities and the guidelines for “free, prior and informed consent” (FPIC) related to ICH should be developed in order to make it more effective.