
第5号(2013年3月付) 138頁

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    桜井 厚 オーラリティの復権 ―『口述の生活史』前後―
    徳丸 亞木 口頭伝承の動態的把握についての試論
    門田 岳久・杉本 浄 運動と開発 ―1970 年代・南佐渡における民俗博物館建設と宮本常一の社会的実践―


    藤井 紘司 坪井理論における民俗把握の方法 ―交流の民俗学にむけて―
    近藤 祉秋 「魅了される遭遇」から生まれる動物信仰 ―隠岐の島町某地区O家の事例から―


    曽我 とも子 陰陽五行思想における「三合」の一考察 ―和名にみえる四季の循環のなかの田の神をとおして―


    渡邊 欣雄 / 辻 雄二 / 島村 恭則


    藤井 紘司 FUJII Koji

    pp. 51-66.

    坪井理論における民俗把握の方法 ―交流の民俗学にむけて―

    Method for Understanding Folk Customs in the Theory of Hirofumi Tsuboi: Toward a “Folklore of Interaction”

    キーワード:民俗 類型 文化接触 自己認識 交流




     This paper discusses the “framework” necessary for understanding “folk customs” through the study of the method developed by Hirofumi Tsuboi (1929-1988) to understand these customs.
     Tsuboi’s folklore has been given the biased slogan”folklore of the potato”, and the concept involved in his folklore has been largely forgotten. This paper elucidates the “framework” of the Tsuboi theory using the analytical concept of “category” and shows that his folklore involves the intention for it to be termed the “folklore of interaction”.
     Tsuboi defined “folk customs” as the “aggregation of a continuous process of self-awareness resulting from impacts created by contacts with different cultures”. The “folk customs” defined by Tsuboi refer to what are created during contact between cultures that are politically as well as economically unequal. He used the analytical concept of “category” to understand this phenomenon, and named the system without particular folklore materials “quintessence”. Because quintessence assumes a unitary “our world,” it cannot focus on contacts between different cultures. Tsuboi’s folklore tried to describe the folklore phenomena spilling over from quintessence by using the concept of “category.”
     The uniqueness of the Tsuboi theory lies in the conception of “creating society and culture from the folklore dimension”,in this phase focusing on the “folk customs” created in the biased cultural contacts that are observed everywhere. Perspectives of the “folklore of interaction” spread beyond Tsuboi’s folklore that tried to seek relief from self-absorption in the world of folk customs and asked, with sincerity, what actually were folk customs.

    近藤 祉秋 KONDO Shiaki

    pp. 71-86.

    「魅了される遭遇」から生まれる動物信仰 ―隠岐の島町某地区O家の事例から― 

    Animal Worship Emerging out of “Enchanting Encounters”: A Case Study of a Family in Okinoshima Town, Shimane, Japan

    キーワード:人と動物の関係 魅了される遭遇 動物信仰 エージェンシー 隠岐島




     This paper is based on a case of the long-lasting relationship between a family in Okinoshima Town and snake spirits. I argue that sociological and cosmological approaches, which were widely employed in earlier studies, are not adequate to understand the reason why the family is able to maintain the relevance of their relationship with the snake spirit. Instead, I call for an eclectic approach which allows the researcher to see how social change affects the human-animal (spirit) relationship, while avoiding a pitfall of reducing human – animal relationship to human-human relationship. As a framework to analyze my data, I borrow Veronique Servais’ concept of “enchanting encounters,” which suggests the existence of a positive feedback loop facilitating the extension of the network of human and animal.My conclusion is that the relationship between the family and the snake spirits has been continuously regenerated (1) when the snake spirit gave the family an opportunity to reflect their own situation and worked as a magico-religious mediator to change it and (2) when a contingent encounter in day-to-day settings led to the sudden (re)emergence of the potency of the snake spirit.

    曽我 とも子 SOGA Tomoko

    pp. 95-104.

    陰陽五行思想における「三合」の一考察 ―和名にみえる四季の循環のなかの田の神をとおして―

    A Study of “Sango” in Yin and Yang and the Five Elements of Thought: The Case of “Coming and Going of the God of the Rice Fields”

    キーワード:陰陽五行 十二支 木気三合 田の神 月の和名




     Japanese culture has been affected by the philosophy of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements since its transmission from Korean peninsula in the 7th century. Historical folklorist Hiroko Yoshino claims that this philosophy has profoundly influenced Japanese folk culture and various rituals. In her conclusion, Yoshino claims that the reason why a deity of both rice fields and mountains doubles its territories by “coming and going” primarily in February, June and October can be explained by the influence of “Sango” (a set of three signs taken from the Chinese Zodiac). However, since her argument is based exclusively on the Huai-nan Tzu, an old Chinese scripture, an extensive survey of historical materials should be done in order to support this conclusion.
     In this paper, I contend how rituals related to the god of the rice fields and mountains developed with the notion of “Sango”. This is accomplished by taking into consideration folk ideas related to the circulation of the four seasons and various historical materials to reveal the relevance of “Sango” and the philosophy of Yin-Yang and the Five elements in Japanese folk festivities.
     I contend that the transference of the philosophy of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements filtered down to the general population from the Chinese court and that this may have also been the case in Japan.