
第6号(2014年3月付) 166頁

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    門田 岳久 特集・〈民俗宗教〉研究の新展開
    梅屋 潔 「物語論」から「象徴論」、そして「アート・ネクサス」へ?―「憑きもの」および民俗宗教理解のために―
    近藤 祉秋 「動物信仰」の現代民俗学にむけて―梅屋氏への応答―


    辻本 侑生 高度経済成長期の山村における消費―経済活動のコンテクスト分析―
     コメント(湯澤 規子)
    田邊 元 民俗芸能における真正性と伝承方法に対する一考察―「おわら風の盆」のフォークロリズム的解釈を通じて―
     コメント(森田 真也)
    佐藤 喜久一郎 歴女の聖地巡礼―歴女ブームにおける比喩の氾濫―
     コメント(及川 祥平)
    余 志清現代中国少数民族社会における「宗族再興」―貴州省プイ族の事例から―
    廣田 龍平 妖怪の、一つではない複数の存在論―妖怪研究における存在論的前提についての批判的検討―


    田中 美紀子 助産所で産むことと開業助産師の活動についての一考察―「さくらバース」の事例を中心に―


    梅屋 潔 UMEYA Kiyoshi

    pp. 3-24.


    What Comes Next? : On Appropriation of Analytical Resources from Adjacent Disciplines

    キーワード:「憑きもの」 物語論 象徴論 アブダクション アート・ネクサス 経験主義 フィールドワーク


     This paper traces the contexts and trajectories of theoretical resources appropriated by Japanese folk religion or belief systems, particularly the notion of tsukimono, which is literally, yet unsatisfactorily, translated as ‘spirit possession’ in Japanese folkloric and cultural anthropological studies. In this paper, I consider recent studies in this field, including several of my own studies on Sado Island in Niigata Prefecture. I drew inspiration from Kondo’s (2013) concept of grappling with the ‘agency of the animal’. In addition, I explored the possibilities and appropriateness of applying Gell’s (1998) concept of ‘abduction’ in ‘art nexus’ to the field of folk religion. Furthermore, the relationship between theory and fieldwork are discussed, and emphasis is placed on the postcolonial shift in anthropology, which highlights the experience, voice, and meanings of indigenous peoples, as well as the researchers who work among them.

    近藤 祉秋 KONDO Shiaki

    pp. 25-38.


    Toward a Living Folklore of “Animal Worship” : A Reply to Kiyoshi Umeya

    キーワード:動物信仰 憑きもの 証 石塚尊俊 隠岐島


     This paper is a reply to Kiyoshi Umeya’s criticism on my 2013 paper. First, close reading of Takatoshi Ishidzuka’s work reveals that his view on post-war expansion of “tsukimono-suji”-related martial discrimination is influenced by the idea of impaired cultural survival. Ishidzuka concludes that people are not afraid of supernatural power of “tsukimono-suji” lineages or animal spirits, but they are afraid of peer pressure, which made them unable to stop martial discrimination. Second, Masanobu Kagawa’s “Culturally-institutionalized Story-Generating Device” should be carefully reexamined before being applied to analyze the relationship between snake spirits and a family in Okinoshima Town, Shimane Prefecture. This is because Kagawa does not provide enough support for the inter-generational transmission of the local magico-religious beliefs beyond the generation of people who grew up before Rapid Economic Growth. Third, I reiterate the process in which my 2013 paper was conceived in reference to contemporary Oki Islanders’ negative attitudes toward magico-religious explanations. My 2013 paper was an attempt to understand the local situations where some people openly question the supernatural potency of animal spirits, while some seem to take it seriously. In the last chapter, the research strategies of “living folklore of animal worship” will be examined in relation to the conventional approach to “animal worship.” While the conventional approach was interested in reconstructing the original and authentically Japanese “animal worship” through various contemporary and documented examples, the new approach targets a contemporary example and tries to explain why certain people retained the relevance of animal spirits to their life.

    辻本 侑生 TSUJIMOTO Yuki

    pp. 39-54.


    Household Consumption in a Fukui Prefecture Mountain Village during the Period of Rapid Economic Growth: A Context Analysis of Economic Activities

    キーワード:経済研究 消費 山村 高度経済成長期 コンテクスト分析




     This paper investigates the production activities and household consumption patterns of a single household during Japan’s postwar period of rapid economic growth. In order to delineate their modes of livelihood and consumption, I analyzed a diary that includes income and expense data during the year 1963. It was written by the husband and wife of a household (A) involved in shifting cultivation in a Fukui prefecture village.
     As a result, three key points were determined: First, the division of family labor was specialized in order to earn cash income. Second, their pattern of consumption relates to the macro-scale political economy as seen in examples of shopping that depended on unemployment insurance payment cycles, choices of services and entertainment, and the way to spend time on New Year’s Eve. Third, consumption practices were embedded in local social relationships, especially family, as seen in the examples of the consumption of both ritual foods and novel foods as well as trips made to shop in larger urban center.
     These results suggest that studies of “economy” within folklore ought to pay more attention to modes of consumption. By doing so, researchers can focus on individual or family consumption as it relates to micro-scale social relationships and macro-scale political economy.

    田邊 元 TANABE Gen

    pp. 59-72.


    A Study on the Authenticity and Traditional Method in Folk Entertainment: An Interpretation of the Folklorism of “Owara Kaze no Bon”

    キーワード:民俗芸能 フォークロリズム 真正性 観光資源 おわら風の盆




     This paper makes explicit the authenticity and functions for maintaining the traditions of one traditional folk entertainment group. The folk entertainment is “Owara Kaze no Bon” of Yatsuo Town, Toyama Prefecture.
     Folk entertainment has been very successful as a tourist attraction. The traditions are carried on by a preservation society organization in the town. The problem for the preservation society is that it is short of successors, but it works hard to conduct activities that are rooted in the people of Yatsuo Town themselves. On the other hand, there is another group, which split off from the preservation society due to opposition to changes in the traditions. This group calls its own traditions “an original model.” They claim authenticity by refining the performance. Importance is placed on hin (quality of performance) in the skill examinations, and this acts as the function for maintaining the quality of performances. The group consists of people from all over Japan who are not from one locality, as are the preservation society. However, they are accepted as a preservation society by residents living in Yatsuo Town and by tourists. It is necessary to carry out research on folk entertainment by taking a fresh look at what we mean by regional characteristics.

    佐藤 喜久一郎 SATO Kikuichiro

    pp. 77-91.


    History Tours? : Catachresis in Modern Day Rekijyo Culture

    キーワード:歴女 旅 消費文化 抵抗 女性性 変身 濫喩




     This paper is intended as a sympathetic critique of the cultural activities of Rekijyo–Japanese history buffs. A rekijyo is regarded as a female enthusiast who has an obsessive interest in historical figures. Some rekijyos are males, in which case they are often called rekidan. Rekijyos throw themselves into touring historical sites like palaces, temples, graves, and castles, as if they are on a pilgrimage. Sometimes they wear costumes there to portray a certain historical character or role.
     A rekijyo is also a self-educated amateur historian who attaches great importance to fieldwork. Their pilgrim-like activity is somewhat related to a romantic reaction to their academic or educational history. It is a way for them to resist the formal, dry and unemotional discourse on history that they experienced when they were younger. They prefer to empathize with their favorite historical characters than to analyze them. However, just like other Japanese youth, rekijyo culture is excessively postmodernized. Rekijyo also engage in an endless deformation and imitation of persons from history. Even though their view of history is based on empathy, their behavior is rooted in modern consumerism. Rekijyo culture is merely otaku consumption, but it is also a form of passive resistance against those who set themselves up as authorities on history.

    余 志清 YU Zhiqing

    pp. 95-112.


    “The Revival of Lineage” in Ethnic Minority Societies in Contemporary China: Focusing on the Case of the Buyi People in Guizhou Province

    キーワード:宗族再興 族譜再編 聯宗 漢化 アイデンティティの重層性




     In contemporary China, we have seen the revival of lineage called Zongzu (宗族) and clan associations, particularly in the southeastern part of the country. From the late 1980’s, the lineages and clan associations have been actively conducting the establishment of ancestral halls called Citang ( 祠堂) and compiling genealogical books called Zupu ( 族譜), among other activities. In particular, the compilation of Zupu is of primary importance in reviving the lineages and the Han people have been tracing their genealogical roots with great enthusiasm. Before long, this movement spread to ethnic minority societies in China. By focusing on the case of the Long family ( 龍氏) of the Buyi people living in the Guizhou province of China, I will clarify how the current active movement of the lineage revival in the Han people societies influenced ethnic minority societies. Furthermore, I will examine this dynamics from the viewpoint of “sinicization”. Based on these analyses, I will shed light on new aspects of the lineage revival in contemporary China.

    廣田 龍平 HIROTA Ryuhei

    pp. 113-128.


    Not One, but Many Ontologies for Yōkai: Critique of the Ontological Commitment in Yōkai Studies

    キーワード:妖怪 存在論 方法論的不可知論 認識論的切断


     なぜ妖怪研究はこの存在論的コミットメントを前提としてきたのか? そこには、江戸後期から続く歴史的プロセスがあった。知識人や都市住民らは、徐々に、今で言う「妖怪」が超自然的であり実在しない、と想定するようになっていったのである。19世紀初頭、妖怪の実在性を確保しようとした一部の学者たちは、日本における近代的科学的経験主義の勃興に対して、超自然的な領域を打ち立てようとしていた。さらに、妖怪の超自然性とされるものは、実在を認めない研究者によってもゆるやかに受け入れられていった。本稿はこのプロセスを認識論的切断として捉え、研究者は切断後に生み出された存在論的枠組みをとおしてのみ、さまざまな世界や存在論を理解することができる、と論じる。本稿は、人々が妖怪を受け入れる多様な諸世界を研究者が理解することを可能にする「多元的存在論」モデルを提案する。


     This article critically examines the ontological commitment on which modern folkloristic studies of yōkai (a category of mysterious creatures in Japanese tradition) have been established. Academic yōkai scholars have assumed that yōkai are supernatural beings and that yōkai do not exist in mundane form. However, the adequacy of these assumptions when studying the world of people who does not share the same ontological framework as modern scholars has hitherto been of little concern in yōkai studies. Through critically examining the discourses and theories that have dominated yōkai studies, this article suggests that researchers have failed to understand the perspective of folk who recognize and co-inhabited with yōkai.
     Why have yōkai studies assumed this ontological commitment? There is a historical process continuing from the late Edo period on in which intellectuals and urbanites increasingly assumed what is now called yōkai to be supernatural and unreal. At the turn of nineteenth century, some scholars who sought to affirm the reality of yōkai began to juxtapose the supernatural realm against the backdrop of the rise of modern scientific empiricism in Japan. Furthermore, the presumed supernatural essence of yōkai was a perspective that had also slowly been adopted by disbelieving researchers. This article conceives this process as an epistemological rupture by which researchers can only understand different worlds or ontologies through the ontological framework generated after the rupture. This article proposes a “plural ontology” model that makes it possible for researchers to understand the diverse worlds in which people recognize yōkai.

    田中 美紀子 TANAKA Mikiko

    pp. 129-138.


    A Study on Childbirth in a Birth Center and the Activities of Practicing Midwives: Focusing on the Case of Sakura Birth

    キーワード:自然な出産 開業助産師 助産所 戦略




     Until the 1950s, childbirth generally took place in the home. The proportion of hospital childbirths rose rapidly from the 1960s, and from the 1990s birth management associated with artificial medical intervention, the medicalization of birth, came to be seen as an issue. However, while childbirth in a birth center is one form of facility-based birth, as hospital birth is, since it offers the natural birth that women in childbirth seek, it is the opposite of birth with artificial medical interventions.
    I have implemented an interview survey with respect to the activities of Sakura Birth and women who have given birth there. It was clear that women about to give birth aspire to a natural birth without perineotomy, and that they are selecting Sakura Birth through information on the Internet or through word of mouth. The practicing midwives who are assisting in the birth are responding to the needs of these women for natural birth by improving the quality of their midwifery and guidance skills, as well as continuing to provide services such as recording the baby’s first cry and footprints immediately after the birth.
    Thus if we consider natural birth to be a form of consumer birth, then the “natural” birth mode becomes a commodity differentiated from “artificial” birth. The practicing midwife then becomes the provider of “natural birth” and various other mother-and-child services, and it is also possible to view this as a birth center business strategy in the present era of falling birthrates.