
第7号(2015年3月付) 122頁




渡部 圭一 特集・〈妖怪の近代〉へのアプローチ
飯倉 義之 妖怪のリアリティを生きる―複数のリアリティに〈憑かれる〉研究の可能性―
清水 潤 鏡花文学を起点とした妖怪論の試み―泉鏡花が描く妖怪像―
大島 清昭 心霊研究(サイキカル・リサーチ)から見た『死霊解脱物語聞書』―妖怪研究の国際化に向けて―


宮崎 靖士 柳田國男『山島民譚集(一)』論―その論説形態と同時代状況との接点をめぐって―


小池 高史 自治会報紙面にみる高齢化した団地での生活―東京都神代団地を事例として―
加藤 秀雄 生活世界から生命を考える・試論―動植物供養における「個性」と「殺すこと」―


飯倉 義之 IIKURA Yoshiyuki

pp. 5-14.


Living the Reality of Yōkai : The Possibility of Research “Possessed” by Multiple Realities

キーワード:妖怪研究 リアリティ フィールドワーク 認識論 民俗誌


 This paper investigates the production activities and household consumption patterns of a single household during Japan’s postwar period of rapid economic growth. In order to delineate their modes of livelihood and consumption, I analyzed a diary that includes income and expense data during the year 1963. It was written by the husband and wife of a household (A) involved in shifting cultivation in a Fukui prefecture village.
 As a result, three key points were determined: First, the division of family labor was specialized in order to earn cash income. Second, their pattern of consumption relates to the macro-scale political economy as seen in examples of shopping that depended on unemployment insurance payment cycles, choices of services and entertainment, and the way to spend time on New Year’s Eve. Third, consumption practices were embedded in local social relationships, especially family, as seen in the examples of the consumption of both ritual foods and novel foods as well as trips made to shop in larger urban center.
 These results suggest that studies of “economy” within folklore ought to pay more attention to modes of consumption. By doing so, researchers can focus on individual or family consumption as it relates to micro-scale social relationships and macro-scale political economy.

清水 潤 SHIMIZU Jun

pp. 15-28.


The Attempt for Monograph of Yōkai Startiong Kyōka’s Literature

キーワード:近現代文学 妖怪存在 超自然的 泉鏡花 「高野聖」 「眉かくしの霊」


 This paper investigates the production activities and household consumption patterns of a single household during Japan’s postwar period of rapid economic growth. In order to delineate their modes of livelihood and consumption, I analyzed a diary that includes income and expense data during the year 1963. It was written by the husband and wife of a household (A) involved in shifting cultivation in a Fukui prefecture village.
 As a result, three key points were determined: First, the division of family labor was specialized in order to earn cash income. Second, their pattern of consumption relates to the macro-scale political economy as seen in examples of shopping that depended on unemployment insurance payment cycles, choices of services and entertainment, and the way to spend time on New Year’s Eve. Third, consumption practices were embedded in local social relationships, especially family, as seen in the examples of the consumption of both ritual foods and novel foods as well as trips made to shop in larger urban center.
 These results suggest that studies of “economy” within folklore ought to pay more attention to modes of consumption. By doing so, researchers can focus on individual or family consumption as it relates to micro-scale social relationships and macro-scale political economy.

大島 清昭 OSHIMA Kiyoaki

pp. 29-42.


キーワード:心霊研究 妖怪研究 国際化 超常現象 霊媒


 This paper investigates the production activities and household consumption patterns of a single household during Japan’s postwar period of rapid economic growth. In order to delineate their modes of livelihood and consumption, I analyzed a diary that includes income and expense data during the year 1963. It was written by the husband and wife of a household (A) involved in shifting cultivation in a Fukui prefecture village.
 As a result, three key points were determined: First, the division of family labor was specialized in order to earn cash income. Second, their pattern of consumption relates to the macro-scale political economy as seen in examples of shopping that depended on unemployment insurance payment cycles, choices of services and entertainment, and the way to spend time on New Year’s Eve. Third, consumption practices were embedded in local social relationships, especially family, as seen in the examples of the consumption of both ritual foods and novel foods as well as trips made to shop in larger urban center.
 These results suggest that studies of “economy” within folklore ought to pay more attention to modes of consumption. By doing so, researchers can focus on individual or family consumption as it relates to micro-scale social relationships and macro-scale political economy.

宮崎 靖士 MIYAZAKI Yasushi

pp. 43-58.


On Santo Mintan Shu Volume 1 by Kunio Yanagita: Point of Contact between the Form of Description and the Contemporary Social Situation

キーワード:柳田國男 『山島民譚集(一)』 論説形態 同時代状況 伝説




 In this study, I demonstrate, by analysis of its form of description, that the character of Santo Mintan Shu Volume 1 was, with respect to the transition of legends, formed as the result of combining several pieces of folklore and religious beliefs. This is based on my belief that the association of these two elements happened contingently, and was developed under circumstances that included intermediation by shaman or mages magicians. I compare the character of the text of Santo Mintan Shu with the author’s project of gathering legends based on the background of social request for fostering love for home and nation following the Japanese-Russo War; and studies of legend by Yaichi Haga that aimed to determine the Japanese national character. Consequently, I found that such descriptions do not assure a continuous essence through the past, present and future of a legend. For example, understanding a legend by casting the light of a present standpoint and viewpoint makes it difficult to find a continuous essence between past ‘Japanese’ and present ‘Japanese.’ Such a description is understood as being an attempt to open a new field of study regarding cultural history in a wide meaning, not a shortsighted one focusing on fostering love for home and nation based on an assumption of the homogeneity of past and present by treating historical events in ‘Japan’ as objects of study.

小池 高史 KOIKE Takashi

pp. 59-68.


Life in an Aged Housing Complex Described in Community Papers: Case Study of Jindai Housing Complex

キーワード:高齢者 団地 自治会報




 During the period of rapid economic growth in Japan (1950s -1970s), many workers from the countryside moved to urban areas. Due to this, there was a lack of residential homes for such workers. In order to tackle this issue, many housing complexes were built. Today, after 40 to 60 years many of their residents have become elderly. In this paper, lives of residents in a current housing complex described in community papers was examined from the case study of Jindai housing complex, Tokyo. Annual events in the housing complex, activities of the residents’ association for the elderly and complaints to other residents were focused. Lifestyles of the residents of the current housing complex are very diverse. On the other hand, activities and events which were done at home once are carried out jointly in the housing complex. They are figures of lives in current housing complexes which have been neglected so far.

加藤 秀雄 KATO Hideo

pp. 69-80.


Tentative Consideration about the Life from the Viewpoint of Life World: “Individuality” and “Killing” in a Memorial Service for Animals and Plants

キーワード:動植物供養 殺生 供犠 神・人・自然 生命観




 This paper considers the idea to life in modern society using Daisuke Takagi’s Faith in “a memorial service for animals and plants” and “benefits gained in this world.” A memorial service for animals and plants as well as used brushes, old needles, old knives and so on is held in Japan as a folk culture. This Takagi’s work is arguing relation between “a memorial service for animals and plants” and an occupation, and he has indicated that a memorial service is held when a hunter, a gardener or a fisherman find the “individuality” in animals and plants. Although they kill animals and plants at work, “individuality” emerges when they do so.
 I discussed “individuality” in a different viewpoint from Takagi’s work in this paper. I clarified what kind of positions “killing” have in modern society in relation to the difference between “a memorial service” and “sacrifice”.