
第8号(2016年3月付) 112頁




伊藤 純・松岡 薫 特集・円環する〈民俗学〉的知―学校教育と文化行政の現場から再考する―
伊藤 純郎 学校教育と現代民俗学
宮前 耕史 民俗学と教員養成―北海道教育大学釧路校における「民泊体験」の取り組みから―
辻 雄二 「伝統的な言語文化」と〈民俗学〉的知―沖縄の小学校国語科授業づくりを通して―


後藤 知美 女将の誕生―新聞・雑誌記事にみる旅館の女性像―
王 新艶 「村改社区」政策による華北農村の住居構造の変容について―山東省臨沂市平邑県水溝社区を事例に―


大島 清昭 UFO 学から見た『武江年表』の空中現象―妖怪研究の国際化に向けて―
松村 薫子 人の心を豊かにする地域おこし―広島県三次市「卑弥呼蔵」の活動事例から―


伊藤純郎 ITO Junro

pp. 5-16.


School Education and Contemporary Folkloristics

キーワード:社会科教育 伝統文化 伝統芸能 東日本大震災 郷土研究


 This paper examines issues regarding the current state of social studies education in Japan, in particular the teaching of Japanese contemporary tradition and culture and the description of the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster in the new junior high school social studies textbook that will be introduced in spring 2016. The paper continues by exploring the possibilities for using contemporary folkloristics in junior high school education. In current Japanese social studies education, there is often insufficient time for extracurricular learning activities or for the use of teaching materials from everyday life; therefore, the textbook has become the main teaching material used. Furthermore, social studies has gradually become a subject where the choice of what to teach is often left to the teacher’s discretion. Thus, coordination and cooperation between folkloristics (folklorists) and school educators is now vital to produce teachers who are competent in the field of area studies, can teach students about their local society, and can construct community-based learning opportunities with local residents.

宮前 耕史 MIYAMAE Yasufumi


Folklore and Teacher Education: A private lodging experience providing out-of-school active-learning activities for students of Hokkaido University of Education, Kushiro Campus

キーワード:教員養成 地域とともにある学校 北海道教育大学 地域創造型教師 民泊体験


 I have worked at Hokkaido University of Education’s Kushiro Campus for six years and it has become clear to me that many of my student teachers see the classroom as the sole educational arena. In this paper, I introduce the folkloristic-based active-learning activities I have developed for my students and consider the contribution of the folkloristic point of view to teacher education. I believe it is possible for a folkloristic-based approach to teach student teachers that learning can also take place outside of the classroom.

辻 雄二 TSUJI Yuji


Traditional Linguistic Culture and Folkloristic Knowledge: Class design for Japanese language education in elementary schools in Okinawa, Japan

キーワード:「伝統的な言語文化」 国語科 地域語 伝承


 As a result of the 2006 amendment to the Japanese Basic Act on Education, the phrase “matters concerning the characteristics of traditional linguistic culture and standard Japanese language” was added to the official Japanese language curriculum guidelines. This was interpreted by Japanese educators to mean the cultural use of language in everyday life, and by extension, the diverse spectrum of linguistic and performing arts that have been passed down through everyday language. Reflecting on the outcomes of folkloristics field research, and recognizing the possibility for proposing new learning activities, this paper reports on the situation in Japanese language education in elementary schools in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, and discusses issues in class design and educational outcomes.

後藤 知美 GOTO Tomomi

pp. 39-56.


The Birth of the Okami: How Newspapers and Magazines Have Described Women in the Inn

キーワード:旅館 女将 メディア 多層的な女性の在り方




 This study discusses the image of okami who (i) has a backbone to manage inns by themselves, (ii) feasts guests with warm hospitality, and (iii) has a good grounding in Japanese traditional culture, especially about causes and processes of its establishment, based on newspapers and magazines. In the fields of conventional folklore, women tended to be discussed in relation to home and local community. However, this study newly set the above-mentioned issues in the view of the women image in the society. It was found that the image of “okami” was shaped as a result of various situations that Japanese inns faced in each period, and finally was used as a strategy to survive intense competition in the field of inn business. The media played a crucial role not only for shaping the image of “okami” but for actual lives of okami themselves.

王 新艶 WANG xinyan

pp. 57-72.


The Changes of Homestead in North of China by Village-to-Community policy: A Case Study of Shuigou community village in Shangdong

キーワード:華北農村 村改社区 「院子」(庭) 地域文化 人間関係




 With the proposal of “Construction of Rural Community” in 2006, there have been many discussions on the vicissitude of farming community caused by the Village-to-Community policy. Changes in the appearance of farming community are the most part along with the transition from one-stories to building. Beside the physical changes, we focus on how the traditional country make the adjustment itself, what to compromise and what to keep.
 This paper is based on the case of Shuigou community, discussing about the changes of folk belief, and human relationship along with the change of homestead, especially the extinct ion of yard.

大島 清昭 OSHIMA Kiyoaki

pp. 73-82.


Aerial phenomena in “Chronology of the Edo Period” from the Perspective of Ufology: Toward the Internationalization of Yōkai Studies

キーワード:UFO学 妖怪研究 国際化 超常現象 空中現象




 In my 2015 paper, I recommended that Yōkai Studies could benefit from international research into paranormal phenomena. This paper is a companion to that one. “Chronology of the Edo Period” is a chronology of events in Edo from 1590 to 1873. Many mysterious aerial phenomena were recorded in this chronology. This paper attempts to internationalize Yōkai Studies. It examines the aerial phenomena mentioned in “Chronology of the Edo Period” from the viewpoint of Ufology. The descriptions in the chronology are fragmentary, but, by applying Ufology, it is possible to compare cases. Now more than ever, Yōkai Studies should make use of Ufology, not keep its distance from it. For example, a picture of many UFOs flying over a nuclear power plant in Fukushima at the time of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami was covered by overseas media. Judging this information from the viewpoint of Ufology, it is possible to understand such a phenomenon.

松村 薫子 MATSUMURA Kaoruko

pp. 83-92.


Satisfying local revitalization: Case Study of “Himiko-kura” in Miyoshi City,Hiroshima

キーワード:地域おこし 地域活性化 心おこし




 Rural revitalization is often undertaken in Japan. However, the quality of life of the residents of these areas isn’t often taken into account.
 I am currently studying the case of “Himiko-kura”, a local revitalization group which is revitalizing the area of Miyoshi-city, Hiroshima by preserving an old Japanese-sake brewery.
 My primary focus is this action group, especially their president. This study considers rural revitalization through the specific lens of “Himiko-kura”. Based on the success of “Himiko-kura” in raising the standard of living in Miyoshi, this study can teach us a lot about future possibilities.