第9号(2017年3月付) 110頁
野口 憲一 「科学的農業」における人間性―コンピューター管理によるイチゴの高設養液栽培の事例から―
コメント(宇根 豊)
白 佐立 狭小集合住宅を生きる ―台北市南機場アパートメントにおける生活のかたち―
廣田 龍平 神なき時代の妖怪学
川森 博司 現代民俗誌への模索と課題―『高砂市史』における試みから―
森本 仙介 / 菊田 祥子 / 渡部 圭一
野口 憲一 NOGUCHI Kenichi
Humanity in “Scientific Agriculture”: A case study of computer-controlled, soilless culture of strawberries
キーワード:シーケンサ―システム6液混入機 コンピューター管理 語り 人間性
This research focuses on leading-edge agriculture currently being carried out in Japan that takes advantage of science and technology, and attempts to approach the “humanity” of the farmers. How do farmers engaged in agriculture confront the science and technology they are using? Are they placed under the control of science and technology or have they secured a margin within which to reflect on the inheritance of techniques and skills from their elders, their sensitivity and their own thoughts? This research discusses this issue with reference to cases studies of farmers who are engaged in computer-controlled cultivation of strawberries.
As a conclusion, rather than the farmers’ attitude of confrontation with science and technology being one of dependence and subordination, it was clear that they placed science and technology under their control, and moreover, took a challenging attitude that attempted to exceed science and technology. The farmers, in the same way as conventional agriculture, felt the need to inherit the techniques of their elders, such as their fathers, and acquire corporal skills such as the sensibility to gain insight into and master the characteristics of their crops. It is clear from this that even agriculture that makes use of science and technology is essentially a vocation overflowing with human qualities in which the farmer requires an extremely advanced level of technique and skill.
白 佐立 PEI Chouli
Living in Small Dwellings: “The Form of the Life” at Nanchichang Apartment in Taipei
キーワード:台湾 集合住宅 生活のかたち 半楼仔 総舗
This paper will study the life style of the residents at Nanchichang apartments in Taipei, Taiwan, from the point of view of space use. Previous researches and newspaper reports viewed the apartment as a “slum,” of which the image was so negative. Instead of the outsiders’ eyes of view as such, this paper will consider how the residents actually live in the apartment, from the point of how to use residential space, through interviews and surveys at many times. Actually, the residents have lived there many years, adding a variety of spatial ingenuity, such as building” pòaⁿ-lâu-á (半楼仔),” “chóng-pho͘ (総舖)” or purchasing additional dwelling units. Acting on their own initiative, they have made small dwellings good for living. This documents of their living there are also important because the apartments have been facing of demolition for the urban renewal project of Taipei City.
廣田龍平 HIROTA Ryuhei
pp. 43-53.
Yōkai Studies in the Age without Kami
キーワード:妖怪 神の探究 民俗学と人類学
Despite the popular assumption that yōkai has been one of the central themes in Japanese folkloristics, there have actually been few monographs about them. Given this, I discuss how yōkai became excluded from folkloristics by examining works of Kazuhiko Komatsu. By contrasting Komatsu and Kunio Yanagita, I suggest that Komatsu more or less explicitly replaced yōkai from old-style folkloristics to structural anthropology. His analysis of yōkai is particularly anthropological in that he takes them to be found in the world of the Other. This fact contrasts sharply with his (and Yanagita’s) definition of folkloristics as an understanding of the Self. Yet another of his definitions would explain this replacement: a central theme of folkloristics is “kami.” Examination of his works reveals that his view on yōkai implies that while his formulation of the continuity between yōkai and kami could apply to folk societies of the Other, contemporary societies lost this continuity. Therefore yōkai became excluded from his folkloristics.
川森博司 KAWAMORI Hiroshi
pp. 55-65.
In Search of the Ethnography of Contemporary Japan: An Example from the History of Takasago City
キーワード:現代民俗誌 モダニティ 脱埋め込み 再帰性 臨海工業都市
How can we describe civil lives in contemporary Japan? This paper examines issues in “contemporary ethnography” based on regional research from a folkloristic point of view. Much regional research including folkloristic studies has been undertaken on municipal basis in postwar Japan, but in many cases we have fragmentary descriptions of peculiar folkloristic matters. The concept of “folklore” in Japanese folklore studies tends to restrict our research only to the survival of an old age. To break the deadlock, I analyze my own description of “folklore” in Takasago City, Hyogo Prefecture, and struggle to find a new perspective on the ethnography of contemporary societies. The point is how to delineate the conditions of modernity against which we lead our lives. I introduced the three concepts of Anthony Giddens: “separation of time and space,”“disembedding,” and “reflexivity,” and explore the dynamic aspects of everyday lives. We should revise the conventional method of Japanese folklore studies to properly describe these aspects, and should write “contemporary ethnography” to respond to the needs of people to improve matters in hand and to envision prospects for the future.