
第11号(2019年3月付) 117頁




岡田 航 郊外社会における民俗行事のあり方の多様化と近隣組織-八王子市堀之内における道祖神祭の変容を事例として-
桜木 真理子 国立ハンセン病療養所栗生楽泉園の患者作業運営に見る制度的交渉
田邊 元 つながりの中で生まれる技-神道香取流にみる技の復元-


山岸 哲也 信仰に対する思考 -佐渡島におけるムジナをめぐる民間信仰の民俗誌-
橋本 章 干拓地の入植集落における民俗の生成について -滋賀県琵琶湖大中の湖干拓地の事例から-
永岡 圭介 保養の創造としての現代の湯治 ―肘折温泉郷の事例―


山 泰幸 / 辻本 侑生


岡田 航 OKADA Wataru

pp. 1-15.


Diversification of Folk Events in Suburb Society and Neighborhood Communities:
A Case of Transformation of Dousojin Matsuri in Horinouchi, Hachioji City

キーワード:郊外 近隣組織 道祖神祭 開発 混住化




 After the period of high economic growth, vast regions of suburb were formed on the peripheries of the city center. Prior research revealed the homogeneity and the disappearance of history as the characteristics of such suburb. The location that this paper examines as a case, however, shows a variety of ways to perform the dousojin matsuri, which is a traditional event conducted in five areas of the case, each diversified into their own distinct ways. Behind this heterogeneity, development there were the village assemblies, which have been responsible for the event. As a suburban growth, they maintain their roles in regional society by putting an effort to involve the new residents of the areas. In fact, the suburbanization and the formation of mixed residences progressed at different rates emerged like a mosaic. And for each area, the regional issues that arose also varied. Therefore, the residents needed a small neighborhood organization, and the differing ways of dousojin matsuri reflected such differences.

桜木 真理子 SAKURAGI Mariko

pp. 21-35.


The Patients’ Institutional Negotiation in the Management of the “Sagyou” in National Sanatorium Kuriu Rakusenen

キーワード:ハンセン病 施設 規範 制度




 In national leprosy sanatoriums in Japan, leprosy patients had to do various“works” (sagyou) to sustain their daily lives. This paper examines how the self-governance associations in leprosy sanatoriums sought to invent structures to improve the lives of patients by tracing the development of“works”during 1932-1960’s at the national leprosy sanatorium Kuriu Rakusenen, located in Gunma prefecture.“Works”had many meanings―labor, source of income, mutual aid, consolation, and more. Such intermingled meanings spawned conflict between patients and institutions. To solve the problems related to these“works,”the self-governance association in Kuriu Rakusenen tried to revise the institution of“works.”First, they incorporated so-called“service work” (houshi sagyou) into official works, demanding pay. Second, they sought consideration for patients’physical states. They set standards for handicaps to avoid the risk that the physical condition of patients with more serious disabilities were exacerbated by their work. Using this case study, I propose a different viewpoint to topics of institution in Japanese folklore.

田邊 元 TANABE Gen

pp. 37-50.


Techniques Born through Connection: Restoration of Shinto Katori-Ryu Techniques

キーワード:民俗芸能 技の復元 古武道 技術向上


 This paper focuses on the relationships between standard bearers of folk arts and the“things,”knowledge, events, and“outsiders”who have become involved and examines how practices, and particularly techniques, are transmitted in the context of these relationships. Taking the Shinto Katori-Ryu (swordsmanship) transmitted in Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture as a case study, the paper demonstrates that such relationships lead to the emergence of spaces for the creation of physical knowledge. Up to this point, the techniques in Shinto Katori-Ryu have been transmitted without explanation of the meaning of each movement. Since the late 1980s, however, Shinto Katori-Ryu has encountered various“outsiders,”and it was learned that Shinto Katori-Ryu is connected to the martial art known as Kobudo (ancient martial arts) that is practiced today. This has led to efforts to restore forgotten techniques by combining members’ knowledge, information from ancient books, and advice from experts. Such interactions with“outsiders”have led to the formation of hitherto unimaginable connections among people, knowledge, and things and have led to a movement to continuously alter existing practices. Shinto Katori-Ryu as an ancient martial art was born out of these connections.

山岸 哲也 YAMAGISHI Tetsuya

pp. 51-61.


Thinking toward Faith An Ethnography of Folk Religion on Mujina in Sadogashima

キーワード:ムジナ 信仰 宗教実践 思考




 In this article the author describes the current situation of the Mujina (Tonchibo)-related possession and its accompanying practices in Sadogashima as an ethnographical study of folk religion. Although they are reported to have been already lost or much transformed in previous literatures, most of which try to observe the possession itself, very few of those study looked into people’s thinking toward actual religious practices at shrines which still uphold mujina faith or how they conceive those phenomena. The author accordingly realized the need for explaining why and how mujina faith is still kept and managed despite only smaller congregation of lay followers being available around mujina. First, we look through mujina in Sadogashima as it has been, then next introduce and explore the narrative by the maintainer of faith at where mujina is enshrined, and through this narrative the author will put focus on the aspect of thinking which does not act on its own toward faith. Finally, the author will argue that this narrative is told under the thinking of a different direction from the premised on a binomial opposition, and furthermore it unable to be attributed to any agency, and there is aspect lacking the activity.

橋本 章 HASHIMOTO Akira



Formation of Folklore in the Villages Developed on Reclaimed Land:
From Case Examples of the Reclaimed Land from Lake Dainakanoko, Shiga Prefecture

キーワード:民俗の生成 開拓村落 神社の創建 祭礼の導入




 This paper studies the process of folklore formation in new villages on reclaimed land, using case examples from the villages developed in the 1970s on former Lake Dainakanoko in Shiga Prefecture. Since these villages are rather new, information was readily available from first-generation settlers, providing us with interesting data for similar studies. This paper especially focuses on the state of foundation and beginnings of shrines and festivals, both of which have functioned effectively as bonds connecting people in the same community. Previous studies have shown that cultures were transferred to new villages from settlers’ places of origin. Case examples in this paper, however, indicate that lifestyles and cultures are not transferred in an integrated fashion, but settlers select what to accept according to the circumstances. They also show that settlers tend to attempt to convey the story of hardships they experienced to the following generation in an easy-tounderstand manner, while eliminating inconvenient facts in the process.

永岡 圭介 NAGAOKA Keisuke

pp. 75-85.


Recreating the Modern Hot Spring Cure Beyond Rest:
A Case Study of Hijiori-spas in Yamagata, Japan

キーワード:湯治 保養 観光 肘折温泉郷 日常




 The purpose of this article is to explore how the modern hot spring cure implicates against rest. In folklore, the hot spring cure is a meaningful custom of pastime and exchange, so it is considered a source of rest sustainably. In Japan, after the second half of the 20th century, hot springs many good examples of which are located in the Tohoku region, have been becoming localized by contrast with hot springs resorts. Junji Yamamura, arguing from the viewpoint of geography and tourism, pushed for a regional change in tourist flow that the increased tourism of hot springs strengthened the connection between urban and rural areas. Furthermore, the points of departure of the tourists for the hot springs broadened. From 2014 to 2016, the author visited Hijiori-spas in Yamagata prefecture and interviewed some visitors and local staff. In Hijiori-spa, most of the ryokans serve two meals a day and few visitors do their own cooking because the use of heat is dangerous for any guest, especially the elderly. But some visitors that bring their own food rather than cook is the norm rather than the exception. Visitors who stay for longer than 4 days, usually spend the whole time resting in the ryokan or spa street and very rarely outside for excursions or sightseeing. The hot spring cure is another side of ordinary. A hot spring creates an environment of rest and rejuvenation for staying over several days without feeling inconvenient or bothersome, and it requires a place, such as a spa street and common baths for gathering.