第12号(2020年3月付) 129頁
今野大輔 特集にあたって
岡田伊代 「部落産業」をとりまく変化―東京都墨田区の皮鞣し業を事例に―
辻本侑生 いかにして「男性同性愛」は「当たり前」でなくなったのか―近現代鹿児島の事例分析―
入山 頌 訴訟と共生―東京都国立市公民館コーヒーハウスにおける「障害」―
コメント 川松あかり 「差別」と「当たり前」を共に解きほぐしていくために
桜木真理子 「日常」は何を照らすのか
深沢佳那子 祭りにおける性的儀礼の正当化―伊豆稲取どんつく祭りと素盞嗚神社の夏祭りを通して―
三隅貴史 神輿を担ぐことの文化政治―東京圏の神輿渡御・神輿パレードを事例として―
佐々木陽子 漁業の町・枕崎の「1人花嫁」―こっそり、ひっそりした嫁入り―
今井恵理 地域行事への参加と継続の契機―何をもって参加に転じたか、何が続けさせているか―
原田寿真 / 高久 舞
岡田伊代 OKADA Iyo
pp. 5-16.
Changes Surrounding “Buraku Sangyo”: A Case Study of the Tanning Industry in Sumida Ward, Tokyo
キーワード:皮鞣し業 生業 近代産業 社会関係
The purpose of this study is to shed light on the reality of an area of the tanning industry which has been developed mainly by buraku people (modern-day descendants of Japan’s feudal outcast group) but overlooked by conventional folk discrimination research. I reconsider this area by looking at it as an urban district that supports modern industry. I conducted interviews and literature surveys in this area of Sumida-ku, Tokyo, which has had a tanning industry of families and artisans for more than 100 years, but now former factory sites are being re-developed as residential areas and new residents are constantly moving in. The newcomers rarely touch upon the issue of buraku discrimination in the tanning industry, therefore, when there is a complaint from a new resident about the noise and smell of the factory, it is difficult to reconstruct relationships in the community by paying attention to the discrimination of before. However, this region is not the only place where people do not understand each other in this way, so it is urgent for us to study the “now” of a community facing such change.
In addition, based on the historical background of the tanning industry I would like to continue to examine how discrimination is involved in relationships with new residents when negotiations can prove to be far from easy.
pp. 17-27.
How Male Homosexuality No Longer Became “Normal”: A Case Study of Kagoshima Prefecture in the Modern Era
キーワード:男性同性愛 鹿児島 性的マイノリティ 当たり前
In recent Japanese folklore studies, the need to study sexual minorities has been recognized. The aim of this study is to clarify how male homosexuality began to be an object of prejudice and disgust. In order to illuminate the mechanism of discrimination against male homosexuality, I analyze the discourse around male homosexuality in Kagoshima Prefecture, using materials written in the modern era from a historical point of view. Kagoshima Prefecture is known as a place where male homosexuality (nansyoku) was widely practiced.
As a result, three key points emerge. First, sexual relations between men in modern Kagoshima was seen daily by at least some people. Second, however, male homosexuality began to be regarded as “abnormal” rather than “normal” during the period between the Taisho Era and the early Showa Era. Finally, after World War II, male homosexuality in Kagoshima Prefecture start
入山 頌 IRIYAMA Sho
pp. 29-39.
Proceedings for Coexistence: “Disability” in the Kunitachi City Public Hall Coffee House
キーワード:訴訟 当事者 障害 政治的な対立と日常的な対立
The purpose of this paper is to examine a method of coexistence based on conflict. The paper makes a distinction between political conflict and conflict in life by arguing that coexistence based on conflict in life is not political with the help of an examination of the importance of such conflict in the work of Illichi and Morris.
The author discovered the importance of conflict in life by being involved in the Kunitachi Public Hall Coffee House’s activities. There, conflict is evaluated positively rather than negatively. In the coffee house, various citizens are engaged in activities such as sales and recreation regardless of whether or not they have a disability. There are often various conflicts in relation to persons with disabilities, such as over discrepancies in decision making. However, this study shows that people find ways to understand each other through such conflict.
Thus, this paper argues that conflict in life arises from situations where it is not easy to synchronize with others, such as those with disabilities. Furthermore, these kinds of conflict should be distinguished from political conflicts.
This paper also examines the viewpoints and methods of folklore to handling the above discussion. First, I refer to “Folklore for Liberation” by Keisuke Akamatsu. Next, I refer to recent trends in folklore. From these two discussions, I describe how to consider relationships with others in situations where synchronization is difficult.
In this way, the paper tries to explore the difficulties and wealth in coexistence that arise from conflicts in life.
深沢佳那子 FUKAZAWA Kanako
pp. 47-62.
Justification of Sexual Ritual in Festival: Through the Dontsuku Festival and the Summer Festival of Susano-o Shrine in Inatori
キーワード:生殖器崇拝 性神 観光資源 娯楽 創られた伝統
This paper discusses what can justify sexual rituals in festivals, focusing on two festivals in Inatori: the summer festival of Susano-o shrine and the Dontsuku Festival that ended in 2018.
Traditional sexual ritual in festival is thought as pray for fertility or warding off evil. The summer festival has a ritual that two tengus called “omen-san” chase women and children with a phallus-shaped wooden stick. This ritual started to pray for eradicating dysentery. People believe the ritual has been held since a long time ago. But actually, the ritual was started in 1927 as “joke”. Thus, the joke can justify religion rituals. The phallus at this festival is not a religious object, but a symbol of the “fun of genitals”.
On the other hand, the Dontsuku Festival has been held since 1966 as an event for tourists and it is characterized by carrying a huge phallic-shaped portable shrine. It has been considered that sexual expression in new festivals for tourists like Dontsuku Festival has no cultural value and, therefore, it has hardly been studied. However, the Dontsuku Festival and the summer festival have “fun of genitals” in common. It is necessary to carry out research on sexual ritual without judging if it is “traditional” or not.
三隅 貴史 MISUMI Takafumi
pp. 63-78.
The Cultural Politics of Shouldering Mikoshi: A Case Study of the Mikoshi parades in the Tokyo Metropolitan Areas
キーワード:祭礼 神輿 三社祭 神聖化 イベントから「伝統」へ
In this paper we examine the status of mikoshi parades in the contemporary Tokyo metropolitan area and modify the previous theory that festivals in Japan have changed from being rituals to being events. From the 1990s to 2007, the Sanja festival (Taito ward), the most lively, yet violent, festival in the Tokyo metropolitan area, experienced a period where the organizing committee was unable to control events during the festival’s mikoshi parade (a parade in which portable shrines are shouldered around the neighborhood). After two incidents in 2006 and 2007, the discourse that the mikoshi parade is ritual and tradition was born, and through this discourse the festival organization committee tried to regain their control. Likewise, two mikoshi parades celebrating National Foundation Day and the Emperor of Japan were also disrupted. To regain control, the organizing committees of the two parades conducted shinto rituals, which pleased the parade participants because shinto rituals were seen to validate their efforts as important contributions to ritual and tradition. From these mikoshi parades, we conclude that today’s mikoshi parades are characterized by sanctification by organization committees as they try to maintain their administrative control. In this process, the concepts of tradition, ritual, and intangible cultural heritage are often invoked. Thus, festivals in contemporary Japan have not only changed from rituals to events but also from events to traditions.
佐々木陽子 SASAKI Yoko
Hitorihanayome in a Fishing Town, Makurazaki: Secret and Quiet Marriages
キーワード:1人花嫁 漁師 結婚 ねずんどんのごぜんき
Hitorihanayome in Makurazaki, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, refers to a quiet, simple groomless marriage ceremony conducted at night. Most women who experienced such a marriage are now over 80 years old. Eight people were surveyed as respondents to an questionnaire. Economic conditions were mentioned as the primary reason for the custom of hitorihanayome. These wedding ceremonies were so simple that the expression “drink tea” meant a marriage. Notably, wealthy individuals did not participate in hitorihanayome. Some of the respondents said that the custom of hitorihanayome probably disappeared in the 1960s. At that time, the introduction of a salary system brought fishermen’s lives to stability. Members of different social classes in Makurazaki resided in different areas, e.g., former members of the samurai class resided in an inland area in groups. Each area comprised residents with similar lifestyles; thus, hitorihanayome was probably accepted as natural by women residing in the town’s fishing part?“That was how it was for everyone.”
今井恵理 IMAI Eri
pp. 91-100.
Why do People Join Community Activities and Why do They Remain Active?
キーワード:地域社会 地域参加 都市郊外 都市祭礼 都市民俗
In realms other than folklore, many studies have sought to develop policies to encourage people to join local communities and participate in local events; however, their focus on enthusiastic participation has meant that they have failed to consider real participants who join minimally, passively, and only for fun.
Meanwhile, studies have examined how folklore captures real situations. Studies of Danchi (mainly in the 1960s and 1970s) have highlighted that having children gives people opportunities to participate in their local communities. However, after these studies, research examining motives for or opportunities to participate in communities has been scarce in the realm of contemporary folklore. Against this backdrop, this study seeks to answer the following question: Why do participants take part in their communities and why do they remain active?
In conclusion, while having children still facilitates community participation opportunities this does not mean that all parents have access to their communities. Nowadays, particularly in the suburbs, people’s diverse life choices make the situation more complicated.
Taking community shortcomings and imbalances into consideration, it will be important to examine “why certain people (do not) join in” by way of folklore? that is, by approaching real people. This study takes the first step of this process.
岡田伊代 OKADA Iyo
pp. 5-16.
Changes Surrounding “Buraku Sangyo”: A Case Study of the Tanning Industry in Sumida Ward, Tokyo
キーワード:皮鞣し業 生業 近代産業 社会関係
The purpose of this study is to shed light on the reality of an area of the tanning industry which has been developed mainly by buraku people (modern-day descendants of Japan’s feudal outcast group) but overlooked by conventional folk discrimination research. I reconsider this area by looking at it as an urban district that supports modern industry. I conducted interviews and literature surveys in this area of Sumida-ku, Tokyo, which has had a tanning industry of families and artisans for more than 100 years, but now former factory sites are being re-developed as residential areas and new residents are constantly moving in. The newcomers rarely touch upon the issue of buraku discrimination in the tanning industry, therefore, when there is a complaint from a new resident about the noise and smell of the factory, it is difficult to reconstruct relationships in the community by paying attention to the discrimination of before. However, this region is not the only place where people do not understand each other in this way, so it is urgent for us to study the “now” of a community facing such change.
In addition, based on the historical background of the tanning industry I would like to continue to examine how discrimination is involved in relationships with new residents when negotiations can prove to be far from easy.
pp. 17-27.
How Male Homosexuality No Longer Became “Normal”: A Case Study of Kagoshima Prefecture in the Modern Era
キーワード:男性同性愛 鹿児島 性的マイノリティ 当たり前
In recent Japanese folklore studies, the need to study sexual minorities has been recognized. The aim of this study is to clarify how male homosexuality began to be an object of prejudice and disgust. In order to illuminate the mechanism of discrimination against male homosexuality, I analyze the discourse around male homosexuality in Kagoshima Prefecture, using materials written in the modern era from a historical point of view. Kagoshima Prefecture is known as a place where male homosexuality (nansyoku) was widely practiced.
As a result, three key points emerge. First, sexual relations between men in modern Kagoshima was seen daily by at least some people. Second, however, male homosexuality began to be regarded as “abnormal” rather than “normal” during the period between the Taisho Era and the early Showa Era. Finally, after World War II, male homosexuality in Kagoshima Prefecture start
入山 頌 IRIYAMA Sho
pp. 29-39.
Proceedings for Coexistence: “Disability” in the Kunitachi City Public Hall Coffee House
キーワード:訴訟 当事者 障害 政治的な対立と日常的な対立
The purpose of this paper is to examine a method of coexistence based on conflict. The paper makes a distinction between political conflict and conflict in life by arguing that coexistence based on conflict in life is not political with the help of an examination of the importance of such conflict in the work of Illichi and Morris.
The author discovered the importance of conflict in life by being involved in the Kunitachi Public Hall Coffee House’s activities. There, conflict is evaluated positively rather than negatively. In the coffee house, various citizens are engaged in activities such as sales and recreation regardless of whether or not they have a disability. There are often various conflicts in relation to persons with disabilities, such as over discrepancies in decision making. However, this study shows that people find ways to understand each other through such conflict.
Thus, this paper argues that conflict in life arises from situations where it is not easy to synchronize with others, such as those with disabilities. Furthermore, these kinds of conflict should be distinguished from political conflicts.
This paper also examines the viewpoints and methods of folklore to handling the above discussion. First, I refer to “Folklore for Liberation” by Keisuke Akamatsu. Next, I refer to recent trends in folklore. From these two discussions, I describe how to consider relationships with others in situations where synchronization is difficult.
In this way, the paper tries to explore the difficulties and wealth in coexistence that arise from conflicts in life.
深沢佳那子 FUKAZAWA Kanako
pp. 47-62.
Justification of Sexual Ritual in Festival: Through the Dontsuku Festival and the Summer Festival of Susano-o Shrine in Inatori
キーワード:生殖器崇拝 性神 観光資源 娯楽 創られた伝統
This paper discusses what can justify sexual rituals in festivals, focusing on two festivals in Inatori: the summer festival of Susano-o shrine and the Dontsuku Festival that ended in 2018.
Traditional sexual ritual in festival is thought as pray for fertility or warding off evil. The summer festival has a ritual that two tengus called “omen-san” chase women and children with a phallus-shaped wooden stick. This ritual started to pray for eradicating dysentery. People believe the ritual has been held since a long time ago. But actually, the ritual was started in 1927 as “joke”. Thus, the joke can justify religion rituals. The phallus at this festival is not a religious object, but a symbol of the “fun of genitals”.
On the other hand, the Dontsuku Festival has been held since 1966 as an event for tourists and it is characterized by carrying a huge phallic-shaped portable shrine. It has been considered that sexual expression in new festivals for tourists like Dontsuku Festival has no cultural value and, therefore, it has hardly been studied. However, the Dontsuku Festival and the summer festival have “fun of genitals” in common. It is necessary to carry out research on sexual ritual without judging if it is “traditional” or not.
三隅 貴史 MISUMI Takafumi
pp. 63-78.
The Cultural Politics of Shouldering Mikoshi: A Case Study of the Mikoshi parades in the Tokyo Metropolitan Areas
キーワード:祭礼 神輿 三社祭 神聖化 イベントから「伝統」へ
In this paper we examine the status of mikoshi parades in the contemporary Tokyo metropolitan area and modify the previous theory that festivals in Japan have changed from being rituals to being events. From the 1990s to 2007, the Sanja festival (Taito ward), the most lively, yet violent, festival in the Tokyo metropolitan area, experienced a period where the organizing committee was unable to control events during the festival’s mikoshi parade (a parade in which portable shrines are shouldered around the neighborhood). After two incidents in 2006 and 2007, the discourse that the mikoshi parade is ritual and tradition was born, and through this discourse the festival organization committee tried to regain their control. Likewise, two mikoshi parades celebrating National Foundation Day and the Emperor of Japan were also disrupted. To regain control, the organizing committees of the two parades conducted shinto rituals, which pleased the parade participants because shinto rituals were seen to validate their efforts as important contributions to ritual and tradition. From these mikoshi parades, we conclude that today’s mikoshi parades are characterized by sanctification by organization committees as they try to maintain their administrative control. In this process, the concepts of tradition, ritual, and intangible cultural heritage are often invoked. Thus, festivals in contemporary Japan have not only changed from rituals to events but also from events to traditions.
佐々木陽子 SASAKI Yoko
Hitorihanayome in a Fishing Town, Makurazaki: Secret and Quiet Marriages
キーワード:1人花嫁 漁師 結婚 ねずんどんのごぜんき
Hitorihanayome in Makurazaki, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, refers to a quiet, simple groomless marriage ceremony conducted at night. Most women who experienced such a marriage are now over 80 years old. Eight people were surveyed as respondents to an questionnaire. Economic conditions were mentioned as the primary reason for the custom of hitorihanayome. These wedding ceremonies were so simple that the expression “drink tea” meant a marriage. Notably, wealthy individuals did not participate in hitorihanayome. Some of the respondents said that the custom of hitorihanayome probably disappeared in the 1960s. At that time, the introduction of a salary system brought fishermen’s lives to stability. Members of different social classes in Makurazaki resided in different areas, e.g., former members of the samurai class resided in an inland area in groups. Each area comprised residents with similar lifestyles; thus, hitorihanayome was probably accepted as natural by women residing in the town’s fishing part?“That was how it was for everyone.”
今井恵理 IMAI Eri
pp. 91-100.
Why do People Join Community Activities and Why do They Remain Active?
キーワード:地域社会 地域参加 都市郊外 都市祭礼 都市民俗
In realms other than folklore, many studies have sought to develop policies to encourage people to join local communities and participate in local events; however, their focus on enthusiastic participation has meant that they have failed to consider real participants who join minimally, passively, and only for fun.
Meanwhile, studies have examined how folklore captures real situations. Studies of Danchi (mainly in the 1960s and 1970s) have highlighted that having children gives people opportunities to participate in their local communities. However, after these studies, research examining motives for or opportunities to participate in communities has been scarce in the realm of contemporary folklore. Against this backdrop, this study seeks to answer the following question: Why do participants take part in their communities and why do they remain active?
In conclusion, while having children still facilitates community participation opportunities this does not mean that all parents have access to their communities. Nowadays, particularly in the suburbs, people’s diverse life choices make the situation more complicated.
Taking community shortcomings and imbalances into consideration, it will be important to examine “why certain people (do not) join in” by way of folklore? that is, by approaching real people. This study takes the first step of this process.