現代民俗学会The Society of Living Folkloreは民俗学に関心をもつ多様な人々で構成され、定期的な研究会の開催と『現代民俗学研究』誌の刊行を主な事業として民俗学の尖鋭化・実質化・国際化に取り組んでいます


『現代民俗学研究』について > 第14号目次および論文要旨

第14号(2022年3月付) 101頁


 陸 薇薇  ショートムービーによる農村在住者の自己表象と民俗学の可能性―「蜀中桃子姐」の事例を中心に―
 三隅貴史 日本民俗学におけるインターネット研究の課題―アメリカ民俗学の学説史の検討をとおして―
 河村悟郎 「ポストコロナ」の日本の観光研究に向けて―「マイクロツーリズム」から「避密ツーリズム」へ―
 桐田ななみ 職業上のジェンダーステレオタイプは解消されるか?―琵琶湖女性漁業者のライフヒストリーから―

陸 薇薇 LU Weiwei

pp. 1-17.


Rural Residents’ Self-representation through Short Videos and Folkloristics’s Possibilities: The Case of “Sister Peach of Sichuan”

キーワード:ショートムービー 自己表象 インターネットフォークロア 生活世界


  In China, the spread of the social media use to the rural areas and the reconstruction of countryside's image has enabled people in Chinese countryside to showcase themselves through short videos. This paper is a case study of "Sister Peach of Sichuan", a housewife-turned-internet celebrity in Sichuan, China.
  Sister Peach's short videos are not only a record of her life but also a part of her life. Her short videos have given birth to a community ardently chatting about the trivial details of everyday life. The daily intercommunication within this community is precisely folklore, which serves to prompt community members to examine their own lives and safeguard the warm "lifeworld".
  Internet Folklore research, which focuses on ordinary people's lifestyles reflected on the Internet, is an important step to deepen the understanding of humanity from the standpoint of folkloristics.

三隅貴史 MISUMI Takafumi

pp. 21-36.


Examining Problems in the Internet Study of Japanese Folkloristics: Through the History of Folkloristics in the United States

キーワード:インターネット デジタルメディア 学説史 アメリカ民俗学


  This paper traces the development of Internet studies in American folkloristics. It also seeks to determine new Internet-related directions possible for Japanese folkloristics. It contends that the development of Internet folkloristics in the US may be divided into three periods. First, the pre-Internet phase from the 1970s to the 1980s, in which studies focused on the transmission of information through new digital media (especially photocopying equipment and computers). Second, the proliferation of the Internet and the folkloristics reform movement from the 1990s to the mid-2000s, when Internet research and studies to mitigate the image of folklore as a discipline of pre-modern phenomena became connected. Third, "electronic hybridity" and diverse development stage from 2008 to the present, marked by the evolution of digital network hybridity and the developments that share this problem. This study grounds its arguments on the extant knowledge of folkloristics in the US and on the history of Internet research in Japanese folkloristics, positing the existence of three new directions of Japanese folklore: (1) focus on specific regions and groups, (2) contribution to theoretical refinements apropos problems of digital network hybridity, and (3) enhancement of fundamental folkloristics concepts, especially ideas pertaining to "traditions" and "field".

河村悟郎 KAWAMURA Goro

pp. 41-51.


Toward the Post-COVID-19 Tourism Studies in Japan: From “Micro-Tourism” to “Avoiding the Three Cs-Tourism”

キーワード:避密ツーリズム マイクロツーリズム オンラインツーリズム 観光研究 ポストコロナ


  The objective of this paper is a theoretical preparation for the Post-COVID-19 tourism studies in Japan by introducing a concept of "Avoiding the Three Cs-Tourism" as a new type of tourism on COVID-19 pandemic situation.
   A conventional methodology often seen in the previous studies on tourism, which divides the tourism into subordinate levels according to the contents of tourism, is not appropriate for the Post-COVID-19 tourism studies. An overlooking type which enables us to reconsider the conditions of tourism on COVID-19 pandemic situation is required ant that type is "Avoiding the Three Cs-Tourism." In general, "Three Cs" means Closed spaces with poor ventilation and Crowded places with many people nearby and Close-contact setting such as close-range conversations, but in this paper, "Three Cs" means all crowded or closed situations including not only on-site but also on-line.
  In the "White Paper on Tourism" of 2021 by Japan Tourism Agency, "Micro-Tourism" and "On-line-Tourism" gathered attention, but these are not essential concepts of tourism on COVID-19 pandemic situation. This paper suggests that for the Post-COVID-19 tourism studies, especially in folklore and anthropology, "Avoiding the Three Cs-Tourism" is a more essential and flexible concept than "Micro-Tourism" or "On-line-Tourism."

桐田ななみ KIRITA Nanami

pp. 53-63.


Challenging Occupational Gender Stereotypes: Evidence from Narratives of Women Fishers in Lake Biwa

キーワード:ジェンダー 女性 労働 漁業 ライフヒストリー


  This study examines the effective factors that help solve occupational gender stereotypes through case studies of three women fishers in Lake Biwa, Japan. Gender stereotype is defined as an extremely simplified belief that a particular gender can explain various phenomena. It is expressed in statements like 'fishing is a man's job and not suitable for women'. In contrast to this stereotype, women are engaged in the fishing industry in some parts of Lake Biwa. Using interviews, we explored their life histories. Their narrative revealed that past successes in labour and their role models, who have a close relationship with them, exerted such a strong influence on them as to liberate them from gender stereotypes related to fishing. However, the study highlights a paradoxical structure in which the dissolution of one gender stereotype reproduces another that defines women as dutiful followers of men. The women's experiences of being liberated from the occupational gender stereotype are in fact based on another stereotype, and their confidence in fishing leads to the reinforcing of this gender norm.
